09 February, 2007


...will return to channel next week with one change.

There is now a limit set on how many questions you can answer in one day(calendar day not one 24 hour period.) At the moment it's set to 200 questions per day, however this is subject to change once we see how it's running.

This change has been implemented in response to some concerns that some players were hogging the quiz, thus not everyone could get a fair chance.

Once you reach your quota, you get a message telling you well done, you will then be unable to answer anymore questions until the bot resets, at midnight, that's the bot's midnight. (I think currently GMT-5[eastern time??])

/ctcp the bot to find out what time it's at when it comes back. (/ctcp nick TIME).

Hopefully this change will suit everyone, if you have a complaint though, feel free to get in touch with Oscartg, PeggySue, Chopper or myself and we'll deal with it.

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