I'm in the process of making a bot/botnet for the channel, if anyone has any ideas what they would like to see in the bot, what options it should perform. Please leave a comment below.
So far I am thinking
- opping for when services are down and other channel controls for certain ops(kick, silence ban etc)
- the !quote thing so that I can be offline and the functionality will still be there.
- perhaps a searchbot (a searchbot is used on some big serving channels in undernet mostly, it downloads everyones list and compiles search results into one text file on a @search *stuff*)
- games(not trivia since trivbotty is already there, but something else, again ideas appreciated, perhaps a bartender with virtual money in channel given to those who contribute)
- help bot, type help in the bot's private message window and some common answers are given, akin perhaps to our old popups from DALnet.
- any other ideas.
here is a preview of the kind of things I have started with...
[10:40PM] help
[10:40PM] -=- Commands Available to billythekid -=-
[10:40PM] aop [nick] (I will add nick to the aop list for MY commands only)
[10:40PM] deop [nick] (I will remove nick's access to my commands)
[10:40PM] kick [nick] (I will kick nick from channel)
[10:40PM] ban [nick] (I will silence ban nick)
[10:40PM] kickban [nick] (I will kick and ban nick from channel)
[10:40PM] opme (I will op you if services are down)
[10:40PM] voiceall (I will voice anyone in channel who is not voiced)
[10:40PM] -=- End Of Commands for billythekid -=-
each user would have their own level of access to the commands based on the SOps say-so.
I am thinking that each sop would hold the script in a seperate running mIRC, so that if someones connection drops, their script kicks in and immediately replaces the lost connection, maintaining continuity. Obviously this will not be implemented for a long time yet, as I need to get the coding done, but it's somethign I think would benefit the userability of the channel.
I also have a script available at
my scripts website(shameless plug) which would be of use to anyone bothered by channel play messages, because it stops most of them from showing. It's very handy to catch what the trivbot is saying. Look for hidespam.mrc.